Facts About February’s UAE New Labour Law You Must Know


On Wednesday, 2nd February 2022, UAE is set to introduce the new employment changes, especially in the private sectors. This is to be done by the Ministry of Emiratization and Human Resources which will play a pivotal role in issuing 12 different genres of work permits and impose 6 job models under this law including part-time, remote working, and flexible working.

These new labor laws which were first mentioned by the government in November offer great choices which were not available before.

Among the changes included in the new labor law includes fixed-term, and shorter contracts designed for most of the employees working in the private sector. The introduction of job shares, the flexibility to stay in the UAE for a specified amount of days even after leaving the job. And succinct changes to maternity leave as well.

So, here is a summary of the new UAE labour laws you must know this year;

Renewal and Contract Adjustments

The new law suggests that employment contracts must be bounded. Therefore, this will compel people on permanent contracts to switch to fixed-term contracts of up to 3 years, which can later be renewed.

In addition, in this case, the probation period should not be more than 6 months. And when ending the contract, a notice must be given two weeks earlier.

A shift of the Working Week

A shift of the working week was introduced on Monday 3rd January 2022. The changes are compulsory for all government workers. Nonetheless, those in the institutions of the private sector have followed the working shift.

Moreover, the companies adhering to working shifts will therefore enjoy the Saturday and Sundays weekends.

A shift of the working week was a big update announcement in the UAE. That’s, working week from Sunday to Thursday, Monday to Friday.

Flexible Working Hours

On November 15, 2021, the actions of the Federal Decree-Law No 33 of 2021 which was announced on Monday permit people in the private institution a chance to choose for shared jobs, flexible work, and temporary, condensed working hours and freelance jobs.

The Minister of Human Resources and Emiratization DR Abdulrahman Al Awar said that if an employee in the condensed-hours model works 40 hours a week as per the contract’s guidelines, he is now permitted to perform 40 hours in 3 days.

So, the above can be executed if the employer and the employee consent to all possible clauses in the employment contract.

Multiple and Shared Jobs

2 people can perform one job and divide the hours as of February second. However, this can be done on the ground that the employer justifies the agreement.

And, so, now individuals can work for 2 different employers for a certain hourly rate or days if there is a task to be done.

Part-Time Work allowed for Teenagers aged 15

The new law permits those aged 15 years to pursue part-time jobs. Nonetheless, the law is strict they should not go beyond 6 hours a day. Therefore, teenagers can work part-time, that’s after they’ve obtained legal consent from their doctors or guardians.

Thus, the executive regulation will choose the type of job that best suits them.

Equal Pay to Be Applied in All Gender

Usually, the hiring process was packed on the basis of national origin, gender, religion, color, and race among others. So, all sectors involved in the hiring process will apply without discrimination.

In addition, women ought to be granted the same wages as men when executing the same job in any organization.

More Leaves for Postgraduates students, and Parents

Mothers working in the private sector are permitted longer maternity leave. During this period, they will have a 45 getting their full pay and in the next fifteen days, they will receive half of their pay.

On the other hand, fathers are allowed to have a five days’ paternity leave to be taken consecutively within 6 months after the birth of the baby.  Postgraduates students are also eligible for a ten days leave per year. This will be allowed provided the student has completed 2 years of work with the employer.